Monster Media 1995 #13
Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
176 lines
AUTOS122.ZIP 162129 11-18-95 AutoSend v1.22. WWIV Net Sub Host Utility.
| Sends old posts to new subscribers. Posts sub
| rules and subscription lists.
AVTDH1_0.ZIP 89229 11-14-95 AVTDH v1.0. On-Line archive viewer for most
| BBSs. Allow your users to look inside
| archives while on line.
BADUSE30.ZIP 112259 10-11-95 BadUser v3.0. Lock bad users from your door.
| Supports all the major BBS formats. Simply
| add the users name to a data file and they'll
| never know.
BBSDEL10.ZIP 7010 11-30-95 BBSlist Entry Deletion Utility for Telegard
| v3.0.
BBSLFV12.ZIP 27307 11-28-95 BBS List Format. Formats your WWIV
| BBSList.MSG file for nice looking colors.
BDAY122.ZIP 68335 12-02-95 Birthday v1.22. WWIV Birthday List. Generates
| User & Celebrity Birthday lists. Can be used
| as a logon event to display Birthdays to your
| users.
BDAYS200.ZIP 15305 10-15-95 BDayStat v2.00. Telegard Birthday Statistics.
| Compiles and outputs user birthday statistics
| using customizable template files w/MCI codes
| for total control (day, week or month).
BW221OS2.ZIP 142201 10-31-95 Patch update for Blue Wave OS/2.
DFX221.ZIP 96635 12-03-95 Dead-Fix v2.21. CMI For networked WWIV
| systems - Automated utility to manage
| DEAD.NET packets. Can save/delete old items,
| reroute items to new destinations, and
| generate text summaries of its processing
| results.
DIZAS102.ZIP 66265 11-30-95 DIZ Assistant v1.02. Scans and extracts (when
| present) a file named FILE ID.DIZ from a
| compressed file and inserts the relevant data
| into the Downman database fields for you.
DIZDIR30.ZIP 70980 11-02-95 DIZDir v3.0b. Creates file listings from DIZ
| in archives. Uses FILE ID.DIZ or SDI,DES
| contained in archives on any directory on
| your system. File lists can be created for
| ARJ, ZIP, ARC, LZH and all SFX files.
DIZED50B.ZIP 122661 11-28-95 DIZEdit v5.0b. DIZ File editor for archives.
| Allows editing of description files found in
| archives. Supports ZIP, ARJ and LZH formats.
| Ability to convert archive to a particular
| default format.
DIZPRO17.ZIP 110182 11-11-95 DizIt PRO v1.7. Description Importer. Snoops
| through files quickly for FILE ID.DIZ or
| DESC.SDI and imports them.
ECBD9510.ZIP 470249 10-04-95 EchoBase for DOS. EchoMail Conference Lists
| and Node lists are now powerfully searchable
| via this great tool.
ECBW9510.ZIP 386476 10-04-95 EchoBase for Windows.
F2R_120.ZIP 29678 10-12-95 F2reader v1.20. Fastecho Area-config to
| MSg-reader Converter.
FABM_200.ZIP 100333 12-06-95 File and Arcmail to Box Mover v2.00. Move
| File-ATtaches and Arcmail from netmail to
| fileboxes.
FAL2_105.ZIP 43500 10-01-95 FailMail/2. The fine netmail processor,
| router and tracker, very nice function for
| routing netmail for some user to some disk
| folder, routing netmails to BBS users and
| tracking mails to other sysops.
FDREQ117.ZIP 453948 10-12-95 FDREQ v1.17/ External Request processor.
| Works with FrontDoor, InterMail, McMail and
| any mailer, which supports SRIF.
FIDOHELP.ZIP 3564 10-09-95 ASCII Text help file that explains how FIDO
| net works.
FULLW95.ZIP 92237 10-18-95 Revision 2.01! Want to set up your BBS under
| Win95 but not sure where to begin?
| FULLW95.ZIP contains everything you'll need
| from start to finish to get your DOS-Based
| BBS up and running under Windows 95 with
| minimal downtime.
GEBAD110.ZIP 30802 11-27-95 Automatically creates new areas when they
| arrive from your uplink. No configuration
| needed; Requires GEcho v1.1x.
ICE_QBBS.ZIP 29769 12-12-95 Corrects compatibility errors with ICEEdit
| v1.50 and QuickBBS any version past 2.75,
| without affecting ICEEdit's configuration.
IEDITV15.ZIP 147674 11-14-95 IceEdit v1.50. Fullscreen Message Editor for
| RA/PB/TG and compatibles.
IMM_100E.ZIP 220920 11-18-95 InterMail Task Manager v1.00. Powerful and
| complete offline enhancement utility software
| for InterMail v2.2x.
INVIS10.ZIP 7163 10-11-95 Script to add an invisible logon option in
| Telegard v3.0.
LNDL25A.ZIP 51249 11-18-95 Look at Nodelist - Configurable Flag/Hub/host
| Checker.
LOGMAN17.ZIP 79884 11-12-95 Logman v1.7. Flexible log files
| Archiver/Cutter.
MG108.ZIP 144217 11-14-95 MailGate v1.08. Imports RFC-822 mail from
| SENDMAIL into your Squish Message Base. It
| can Scan email out, and send it via SENDMAIL.
MOPAR.ZIP 10570 10-29-95 Mopar Maniac's Menus.
NCALL107.ZIP 67007 11-12-95 NetCall! v1.07. Automated Network Caller for
| WWIV. Call from a batch file to do callouts
| to WWIV systems. Great utility for Fido front
| end users and VBBS sysops.
NET36.ZIP 302574 12-02-95 WWIV's net36 native networking software, fast
| and easy!
NUMSG100.ZIP 5693 10-10-95 Telegard 3.0 'New User Message Sent' utility.
| Sets the flag to indicate to Telegard 3.0
| that your current users have sent a new user
| msg.
PACKIT20.ZIP 24839 10-30-95 Pack It v2.0. Convert multiple text files to
| a Fidonet Type 2 Packet in one pass. Can
| create both Netmail and Echomail, option to
| delete files once converted.
PBF20B3.ZIP 118716 12-28-95 PBFiles v202. The BEST master file listing
| program for WWIV.
PBSS10B1.ZIP 38705 12-28-95 PBssm v1.01. SSM editing utility for WWIV.
| Read, add, delete and even edit any or all
| the local SSM's your BBS has.
PBUE_V22.ZIP 147887 12-28-95 PBuedit v2.20. WWIV 4.24/a (only) THE
| external user editor written specifically to
| take the place of the internal one. Now with
| FULL QWK setting adjustments, user toggles,
| default protocol, and more.
PQUOTE1B.ZIP 70211 12-01-95 Professional Quote v1.0beta. Quotes random
| tags to your users.
RANEWS14.ZIP 34817 10-22-95 RANews v1.40. Creates bulletins easily and
| quickly using only a config file and some
| macros.
ROMAREA.ZIP 15528 11-17-95 Romarea v0.7. Reads a summary of CD file
| areas and creates a Romdoor 4.12 areas table.
SUBCHK13.ZIP 27407 12-02-95 Subcheck V1.3 - A Wwiv Network Sub Inactivity
| Checker. This Program Will Keep A Log of All
| Network Subs on Your System That Are Inactive
| For A Sysop Defined Number of Days. It Sends
| E-Mail to The Sysop as Well, Telling You What
| Subs Are Inact
SZ_WWIV2.ZIP 12943 11-27-95 SonZ Of Shaft LightBar Menus for WWiV v4.24.
TC_SHUT1.ZIP 15121 11-10-95 Shuttle Logon #1 For Telegard v2.99 w/Script/
| language modding.
TE100A.ZIP 82458 11-01-95 Turboedit v1.00a. Multi-featured Online
| Message editor, offering Text-Editor style
| editing keys, taglines, individual user
| setups, message censoring, phrase expansions,
| more.
TG3TYP11.ZIP 17943 11-16-95 TG3type v1.1. Displays Telegard 3.0 color
| codes from the DOS command line.
TGQUOT55.ZIP 320887 12-07-95 TGQuote v5.5. The most advanced Quote File
| Generator available! Makes a bulletin in ANSI
| or ASCII. Has internal layouts/styles, or
| create a custom layout, or import a
| background picture or layout.
THD_12_0.ZIP 330334 11-25-95 THD Proscan v12.0. New features include the
| ability to decompress compressed executable
| files using UNP v4.11 as well as the ability
| to add external (and internal) archive
| definitions and external scanner definitions.
TIC_NR10.ZIP 10489 10-25-95 Tick Number v1.0. Limits the number of TICs
| to process.
TQUEBT06.ZIP 20344 11-08-95 T-Queue For BT Users of T-mail v0.06.
TRAF115.ZIP 150774 10-14-95 Traffic v1.15. Universal msgbase traffic
| reporting utility.
T_2598.ZIP 274732 11-01-95 T-Mail.DOS v2598/ Beta/ noncommercial.
T_DLC35.ZIP 91238 11-22-95 T-Dlc v3.5. T-mail Download Counter for DOS,
| OS/2 and WinNT.
T_DOS110.ZIP 39196 10-28-95 T-DOS v1.1beta for Telegard 3.0.
UCPCK104.ZIP 15500 12-06-95 UucPChk v1.04. Checks Netmail (.msg) messages
| addressed to UUCP against a bad address file,
| and flags the messages as either hold or
| sent, for Sysop checking by hand or bouncing
| the messages back using an automatic utility.
VERIFIER.ZIP 211390 11-12-95 Callback Verification for Lora. Includes
| samples and all you will need to do It!
WG951030.ZIP 600781 10-31-95 Watergate v0.20 Beta. Message processor for
| Fidonet and UUCP. The best and fastest
| package to connect your Fidonet system to
| Internet E-Mail and Usenet News.
WSM104.ZIP 68004 12-02-95 WWIV System Monitor v1.04. Displays instance
| information as well as system statistics.
WUUCP07.ZIP 71283 11-03-95 WUUCP - The best WWIV-UUCP converter.
WWVREGB3.ZIP 23835 11-07-95 WWIV Registry beta-3 release. Unique database
| capable of storing information on users of
| your system.